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 News Archive 2017

Jesse Watters made the hand job motion while talking about Ivanka Trump
by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 27, 2017

The hand job motion that Fox News’ “The Five” co-host Jesse Watters made when he was commenting about Ivanka Trump’s speech is the real reason why he’s in hot water.

If folks watch again the clip of Watters from Tuesday, folks will see Watters making the hand job motion as he says; “I really liked how she was speaking into that microphone.”

Now, folks know that microphone is another way of saying a man’s rod. And speaking into the microphone, aka a man’s rod, is another way of saying giving a blow job.

Now, now, now don’t get caught up in the difference between a hand job and a blow job because either way it’s put, Watters was clearly saying he liked how Ivanka Trump looks like she can give “special attention.”

Watters, of course, tried clearing everything up with this tweet, “On air I was referring to Ivanka’s voice and how it resonates like a smooth jazz radio DJ. This was in no way a joke about anything else.”

Yeeeahhh, but-the fact that he was making the hand job motion while talking about “how she was speaking into that microphone” says ol’ Watters there was catching feelings in a "special place" and was thinking about how to get “special attention” from Ivanka Trump.

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